Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Art or Porn...

As an artist, I have come across a good many of people that somehow, though they are very educated people, still look at my work as sexual. Yes, I love the nudes, but not always for the reason some do. I see the body as one of the greatest works of art ever created. So I do not see the figure as a sexual work, I see it as many would look upon a urn filled with beautiful roses or mums, a flowing landscape that covers acres of ground, a bird with gorgeous plumage. I have been drawing, painting, and sculpting the nude figure for years, Is is not that I am not connected to the piece I am working on, that in of itself is a almost love making relationship, but what inspires me to use as a model or figure does not. I suppose my education came to understand the difference between art and porn. And this has always been involved in raising my children. No, I would never allow them to watch as I use a model or be a model myself at there age, however what I do is to teach them that there is a HUGE difference between what I do as an artist and what some publications present. That there are breast and then there are boobs. The line is what I would label as excitement or arousal. If you can look at the sculpture of David or a Bernini and be excited, my suggestion is you need either to get educated or talk to a therapist. If that is what you are looking for at a museum, WRONG PLACE. Go down to your 7/11 and buy a Playboy. Now that my soapbox rant is over I again will say, what I do I do for the love and admiration of the figure, what I see in the body, what I can reproduce from its inspiration, what the colors and canvas allow me to create. So please, not only take the time to educate yourself, but also your children. For there is a difference between ART and porn. Do not allow the beauty to be taken away.

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